Tim Scott

Republican junior Senator of South Carolina

  • Senator

    South Carolina

    January 3, 2023 - January 3, 2029


Congresses Served


House Terms


Senate Terms

September 19, 1965 (59 years old)


  • Served as the junior United States senator from South Carolina since 2013
  • Previously held positions as a Charleston city councilor, a state representative, and a U.S. Representative
  • Worked in financial services before entering politics
  • Became the first African-American senator to be elected from the Southern United States since the Reconstruction era
  • Was a candidate in the 2024 Republican Party presidential primaries but suspended his campaign due to low poll numbers
  • Grew up in working-class poverty and was raised by a single mother after his parents divorced
  • Met a mentor who taught him about individual responsibility, conservative business principles, philanthropy, and finance during his teenage years
  • Excelled in sports during high school and was involved in student government
  • Graduated from Charleston Southern University with a Bachelor of Science degree in political science
  • Started his own insurance agency, Tim Scott Allstate, after working as an insurance agent and financial adviser
  • Became the first black Republican elected to any office in South Carolina since the late 19th century when he won a seat on the Charleston County Council
  • Advocated for South Carolina’s right-to-work laws and supported infrastructure development and public works
  • Opposes the Affordable Care Act and supports a Balanced Budget Amendment and the FairTax
  • Describes himself as pro-life and has been a vocal opponent of abortion
  • Opposes same-sex marriage and has voted against federal statutory recognition of such marriages
  • Supports strengthening penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants and promotes cultural assimilation by making English the official language in the government
  • Advocated for continued military presence in Afghanistan and views Iran as the world’s most dangerous country
  • Led the drafting of a bill on race and police reform known as the Justice Act
  • Has never been married but announced his engagement in January 2024
  • Before entering politics, worked in the insurance and real estate industries