Tom McClintock

Republican Representative of California's 5th district

  • Representative

    California, district 5

    January 3, 2025 - January 3, 2027


Congresses Served


House Terms

July 10, 1956 (68 years old)


  • Has been serving as a U.S. representative since 2009, initially for California’s 4th congressional district and, as of 2023, for the 5th congressional district.
  • His district includes areas from the Sacramento suburbs to the outer suburbs of Fresno, including Yosemite National Park.
  • Served in the California State Assembly from 1982 to 1992 and again from 1996 to 2000, after which he served as a California State Senator from 2000 to 2008.
  • Ran unsuccessfully for governor of California in the 2003 recall election and for lieutenant governor in 2006.
  • Born in White Plains, New York, and graduated from UCLA in 1978.
  • Became chair of the Ventura County Republican Party at 23 and has held various other roles, including chief of staff to State Senator Ed Davis and director of the Center for the California Taxpayer.
  • Authored California’s lethal injection use law for the death penalty and has been a proponent of tax cuts and spending reductions.
  • Opposed Proposition 2, which aimed to improve the confinement conditions of farm animals, citing concerns over increased grocery bills.
  • Supported a two-thirds reduction in the vehicle license fee and opposed efforts to increase taxes for deficit reduction.
  • Ran for California State Controller in 1994 and 2002, losing narrowly in the latter.
  • His campaigns have focused on accountability and thriftiness, as demonstrated by his low-budget ads during the 2002 controller election.
  • Has a record of voting against his party on certain issues, such as opposing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 due to concerns over indefinite detention without trial.
  • Signed a pledge in 2009 to vote against any global warming legislation that would raise taxes.
  • Voted in favor of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 after initial opposition due to the removal of certain deductions.
  • Called for a special prosecutor to investigate President Donald Trump following the firing of James Comey.
  • Was one of two members of California’s congressional delegation to vote against a resolution condemning Trump’s withdrawal of troops from Syria in 2019.
  • In 2020, was the sole House Republican to cosponsor the Ending Qualified Immunity Act.
  • Voted against multiple motions to discipline certain Democrats, citing concerns over the erosion of standards for such actions.
  • As of October 2021, had voted in line with Joe Biden’s stated position 5% of the time.
  • Supported the Water Rights Protection Act to prevent federal agencies from requiring entities to relinquish water rights to use public lands.
  • Has served on several committees, including the Committee on Natural Resources and the Committee on the Judiciary, and has been a member of various caucuses, including the Tea Party Caucus and the Congressional Western Caucus.
  • Opposed mail-in voting, describing it as a “corrupted process” in 2020.
  • Lives in the Sacramento area and Thousand Oaks; was married to Lori McClintock until her death in 2021.