Leverages NASA-developed tools and technologies for the Advanced Capabilities for Emergency Response Operations (ACERO) program to improve aerial responses to wildfires.
Research and development activities under ACERO aim to:
Enhance aircraft technologies and airspace management for wildfire response.
Facilitate information sharing and real-time data exchange among wildfire response teams.
Develop an interoperable platform for situational awareness of aerial assets during wildfire responses.
Establish a multi-agency concept of operations involving Federal, State, and local government agencies for coordinated aerial wildfire response activities.
Encourages collaboration with Federal, State, local government agencies, regional organizations, commercial partners, and academic institutions involved in wildfire management.
Requires consultation with heads of other Federal departments and agencies to avoid duplication of activities.
Prohibits the procurement of unmanned aircraft systems for ACERO activities if they are manufactured or assembled by a covered foreign entity, with exemptions allowed under specific conditions.
Mandates annual reports until December 31, 2029, to Congress detailing activities, results, effectiveness, and recommendations for further research related to improving aerial wildfire responses.
Authorizes an appropriation of $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2025 to support the ACERO program.
Defines terms such as “Administrator,” “covered foreign entity,” “NASA,” and “unmanned aircraft system” for clarity within the context of the legislation.