Requires warning labels on sugar-sweetened foods and beverages, foods with non-sugar sweeteners, ultra-processed foods, and foods high in added sugar, saturated fat, or sodium.
Labels must include specific health warnings and be prominently displayed on packaging.
Mandates that the Secretary of Health and Human Services develop regulations for online food sales labeling.
Defines “sugar-sweetened beverages,” “non-sugar sweeteners,” and “ultra-processed foods” with specific criteria.
Establishes restrictions on junk food advertising directed at children, including the use of child-directed advertising strategies.
Requires that advertisements for junk food include relevant health and nutrient warning labels.
Authorizes the National Institutes of Health to conduct research on nutrition science, particularly the health effects of ultra-processed foods.
Calls for public education campaigns to inform children and caregivers about nutrition, health risks, and healthy lifestyle choices.
Allocates funding for enforcement of labeling requirements and nutrition research over several fiscal years.
Restores the Federal Trade Commission’s authority to regulate children’s advertising and enforce rules against misleading marketing practices.