Requires hospitals participating in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program to inquire about a patient’s citizenship or immigration status during the admission and registration process.
Mandates that hospitals include a written provision on admission forms for patients to indicate their citizenship or immigration status.
Ensures that patients are informed that their responses regarding immigration status will not affect their care or be reported to immigration authorities.
Requires hospitals to annually report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services the total amount of uncompensated care provided to non-citizens and those not lawfully residing in the U.S.
Hospitals must also report the funds received for medical assistance related to childbirth for non-citizen parents and emergency deliveries for those not lawfully residing in the U.S.
Establishes a limitation on federal financial participation for hospitals that do not comply with the new requirements.
Clarifies that the legislation does not prevent hospitals from reporting suspected criminal activity to law enforcement, regardless of a patient’s citizenship or immigration status.