Commending Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America, the oldest and largest youth mentoring organization in the United States, on its 120th anniversary and the role it has played in empowering millions of young people on a path to graduate with a plan for their future through mentorship that will last a lifetime.


Introduced on September 25, 2024 by Mary Gay Scanlon

Cosponsors (38)

Legislation Details

  • Acknowledges the 120th anniversary of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.
  • Commends the organization for its role in mentoring young people and strengthening communities.
  • Highlights the founding of the organization in 1904 as a positive alternative to juvenile justice.
  • Notes the presence of over 230 local agencies in more than 5,000 communities across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
  • Emphasizes the belief in the inherent potential of every child and the importance of meaningful mentor-mentee connections.
  • Mentions the organization’s extensive network of 20 million alumni and champions.
  • Recognizes mentoring as an effective method for supporting various aspects of youth success, including emotional, social, educational, and economic development.
  • States that 92% of youth in the program feel a greater sense of belonging and view their mentors as important figures in their lives.
  • Acknowledges the support from volunteers, donors, and partners that contribute to the organization’s mission.
  • Highlights the organization’s ability to raise significant private funding to complement federal investments.
  • Congratulates the organization on its achievements and encourages continued support and expansion of its programs.
  • Pledges commitment to strengthening partnerships between the organization and federal agencies to serve more young people.

Last updated 12/17/2024