Amends the Public Health Service Act to authorize grants for graduate medical education partnerships.
Targets states with a low ratio of medical residents relative to the general population.
Grants are to support the creation of new medical residency training programs or slots in eligible entities.
Eligible entities must be located in states with fewer than 40 medical residents per 100,000 population and can include public or nonprofit teaching hospitals or accredited medical education programs.
Eligible entities may partner with various organizations, including state and local governments, community health centers, and hospitals.
Funding agreements require matching funds:
For primary care programs, the entity must provide one-third of the costs, with the federal government covering two-thirds.
For other fields, the entity must provide half of the costs, with the federal government covering the remaining half.
The Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will establish application processes for funding, including multiyear commitments for continued funding.
The term “primary care” will be defined by the Administrator for the purposes of this legislation.
Authorizes necessary appropriations to implement the provisions of this section.