Authorizes the Secretary of the Army to carry out water conservation measures at water resources development projects where water supply is an authorized purpose.
Water conservation measures may include operational enhancements for stormwater retention or aquifer recharge, modifications to existing facilities to improve water storage, and other actions to conserve water.
Ensures water conservation measures are consistent with other authorized project purposes and allows the Secretary to receive and expend funds from non-Federal interests or Federal agencies for these measures.
During drought conditions, covered projects (Corps of Engineers projects and those with a water control manual under the Flood Control Act of 1944) must prioritize water supply and conservation, with coordination from non-Federal interests where practicable.
Updates to water control manuals for covered projects to include drought operations and contingency plans are required.
Operations during drought must be consistent with water management deviations, impact only the flood pool managed by the Secretary, and return to original purposes after the drought.
Authorizes appropriations for emergency drought operations, with a minimum of $5,000,000 annually for fiscal years 2024 through 2034.
The Secretary may carry out drought resilience projects that include water conservation measures, sediment management, mitigation of non-native species, and planting of native species to reduce drought recurrence risk.
Non-Federal interests must cover 35% of construction costs for drought resilience projects and all operation, maintenance, and replacement costs.
Federal funding for a single locality’s drought resilience project is capped at $10,000,000.
Technical assistance for comprehensive approaches to drought resilience is provided by the Secretary.
Authorizes $35,000,000 annually for drought resilience projects.
Allows for leveraging federal infrastructure for increased water supply and requires Corps of Engineers projects in Colorado River Basin States to include water supply as a project purpose upon request.
Establishes a pilot program for forecast-informed reservoir operations in the South Pacific Division, focusing on drought resilience in Colorado River Basin States.
Includes measures for the removal and mitigation of invasive species that exacerbate drought conditions in aquatic ecosystem restoration and project modifications for environmental improvement.
Authorizes $25,000,000 annually for the Silver Jackets program to enhance intergovernmental coordination on flood risk management.
Amends the Tribal Partnership Program to reduce the non-Federal cost share to 10% for studies and construction projects, aiming to facilitate greater tribal participation in water resources development projects.