Expediting Generator Interconnection Procedures Act of 2024


Introduced on April 18, 2024 by Catherine Marie Cortez Masto

Legislation Details

  • Requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to create regulations to speed up the interconnection of electric generation and storage resources to the transmission system.
  • Defines terms such as “energy storage project,” “generation project,” “interconnection customer,” and others relevant to the process of interconnecting to the transmission system.
  • Mandates FERC to start a rulemaking process within 180 days of the Act’s enactment to address inefficiencies in current interconnection procedures.
  • Directs FERC to revise existing interconnection procedures and agreements to ensure they:
    • Develop and use modeling assumptions based on actual operating capabilities for each resource type.
    • Study interconnection requests in line with the risk tolerance of the interconnection customer.
    • Identify and select cost-effective solutions for network reliability needs arising from interconnection requests.
    • Provide clear information to interconnection customers on how assumptions and solutions are implemented.
    • Incorporate queue management best practices, including the use of advanced computing, automation, and standardized criteria, to speed up study results.
    • Implement measures for transparency and efficiency to ensure timely and cost-conscious construction of necessary network upgrades post-interconnection agreement execution.
  • Sets a deadline of 18 months after the Act’s enactment for FERC to finalize the rulemaking process.
  • Includes a savings clause to clarify that the section does not change how transmission system costs are allocated under FERC’s ratemaking authority.

Last updated 8/8/2024