Establishes a comprehensive research program to improve diagnostic safety and quality in healthcare.
Aims to assess and understand diagnostic errors and develop strategies to eliminate failures in the diagnostic process.
Includes activities such as investigator-initiated research, implementation research, and dissemination of effective methods for improving diagnostics.
Authorizes the establishment of research centers of diagnostic excellence to link research with clinical practice.
Provides financial assistance for planning and operating new and existing research centers.
Engages diverse healthcare stakeholders to raise awareness and promote quality improvement interventions.
Allocates specific funding amounts for fiscal years 2025-2029 to support the program.
Expands the definition of biomedical and behavioral research to include diagnostic safety and quality research.
Mandates the development of quality measures related to diagnostic safety and quality.
Requires standardized data collection for diagnostic research and improvement, including demographic and clinical data.
Establishes an Interagency Council on Improving Diagnosis in Health Care to enhance research and eliminate barriers to improving diagnostic practices.
The Council will develop a strategic federal plan to improve diagnosis and report on progress every odd-numbered year.
Authorizes funding for the Council’s activities for fiscal years 2025-2029.
Directs the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to contract with the National Academies to study disparities in diagnostic safety and quality and recommend actions to address these disparities.