Keeping Violent Offenders Off Our Streets Act

Crime and Law Enforcement

Introduced on May 1, 2024 by Scott Fitzgerald


Legislation Details

  • Amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to allow Byrne grant funds to be used for public safety report systems.
  • Specifies that a public safety report system must be developed and maintained by the State or Tribal Court Administration.
  • Requires the system to provide judges and prosecutors with a public safety report for each defendant charged with certain offenses, at no cost.
  • Lists the offenses that qualify for a public safety report, including murder, sexual offenses, assault, kidnapping, robbery, resisting an officer, carjacking, unlawful possession of a firearm in a felony, and other violent felonies.
  • Details the information to be included in the public safety report, such as criteria for setting bail, identifying information of the defendant, eligibility for a personal bond, applicable bond conditions, and a summary of the defendant’s criminal history.
  • Outlines the use of the public safety report system, including the preparation and provision of the report to the court before setting bail, and the requirement for the court to consider the report.
  • Mandates that public safety reports be submitted to the National Crime Information Center.
  • Amends Section 1033(f)(1)(A) of title 18, United States Code, to include fraud in connection with posting bail, specifically mentioning monetary bail, criminal bail bonds, and Federal immigration bail bonds.

Last updated 10/7/2024