Establishes the “Kids Online Safety Act” to enhance the safety of children on the internet.
Defines key terms such as “child,” “minor,” “covered platform,” and “high impact online company.”
Mandates that high impact online companies exercise reasonable care in design features to prevent harm to minors, including mental health issues, compulsive usage, and sexual exploitation.
Requires covered platforms to provide safeguards for minors, including options to limit communication, control design features, and manage personalized recommendations.
Implements parental tools for managing minors’ accounts, including purchase restrictions and time management.
Obligates covered platforms to disclose policies regarding safeguards for minors before registration or purchase.
Requires annual public reports from covered platforms on risks to minors and measures taken to mitigate those risks, based on independent audits.
Calls for research on the impact of social media on minors, including mental health and substance use disorders.
Establishes a Kids Online Safety Council to advise on matters related to the Act.
Provides for enforcement by the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general.
Includes provisions for transparency regarding algorithmic content selection on online platforms.
Preempts conflicting state laws but allows states to enact stronger protections for minors.
Contains severability provisions to ensure the remaining sections remain effective if any part is found invalid.