Authorizes the President to provide disaster assistance to States and Indian Tribes through a major disaster recovery program.
Establishes the Natural Disaster Recovery Reserve Fund in the U.S. Treasury for disaster-related assistance.
Allows funds to be used for unmet needs related to major disasters, including technical assistance and capacity building for grantees.
Requires assessment of unmet needs within 90 days of a disaster declaration, with data made publicly available while protecting personally identifiable information.
Permits States and Indian Tribes to use a portion of grant funds for administrative costs and provides for technical assistance to ensure compliance with federal laws.
Allocates funds based on the level of unmet need and allows grantees to determine how to prioritize and spend the funds without needing prior approval from the President.
Introduces a process for grantees to receive initial and subsequent allocations of funds, including reporting requirements on fund usage.
Expands the definition of unmet needs to include various disaster-related expenses and services.
Establishes a framework for unmet needs assistance grants to support home repairs, economic recovery, and other disaster-related services.
Mandates the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to consider local impacts and previous disasters when recommending disaster declarations.
Amends provisions for financial assistance for repairs and rebuilding of homes and infrastructure damaged by disasters.
Introduces a FEMA Emergency Home Repair Program for minor repairs to make homes habitable post-disaster.
Extends the period of assistance for individuals and households from 18 months to 24 months.
Requires FEMA to provide documentation and reasons for eligibility determinations to applicants who appeal.
Mandates a report to Congress on major disaster declarations, detailing processes, common reasons for assistance denial, and outreach efforts in underserved communities.
Calls for a review by the Comptroller General of fiscal controls for States receiving assistance and a study on the timing of closing out disaster recovery efforts.