No Shame at School Act of 2024
Introduced on September 25, 2024 by
Tina Smith
Legislation Details
Play by Play
Last updated 10/12/2024
Amends the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to require mandatory certification for certain students.
Local educational agencies are mandated to certify eligible students for free or reduced-price meals.
Introduces retroactive reimbursement for meal claims based on eligibility approval from the start of the school year.
Defines “covered child” as a student enrolled in participating schools who has unpaid meal fees or is eligible for free/reduced meals.
Prohibits overt identification or segregation of students with unpaid meal fees.
Requires local educational agencies to attempt direct certification for free meals for students with unpaid fees.
Mandates communication with households regarding meal applications and eligibility.
Prohibits withholding educational opportunities or stigmatizing students due to unpaid meal fees.
Allows sealed letters regarding unpaid fees to be delivered by students, ensuring no stigma is attached.
Ensures that no food served to a student is taken away based on their meal payment status.