Amends the Social Security Act to update the fee schedule for ambulance services provided by critical access hospitals.
Introduces the “Preserving Emergency Access in Key Sites Act” or the “PEAKS Act.”
Modifies the criteria for the distance requirement for ambulance services, allowing a 15-mile drive in cases of mountainous terrain or areas with only secondary roads available, instead of the standard 35-mile drive.
Specifies that beginning January 1, 2025, hospitals meeting the 15-mile distance requirement for mountainous terrain or secondary roads will be deemed to meet the criteria for designation as critical access hospitals.
Applies to hospitals that:
Are already designated as critical access hospitals as of the date of enactment.
Can demonstrate they met the 15-mile distance requirement for mountainous terrain or secondary roads at their last certification.
Have a new hospital or other facility located not less than 10, but no more than 15, miles from the hospital after the date of enactment.
Directs the Secretary to promulgate regulations to implement these provisions within 1 year after the date of enactment.