Recognizes November 2024 as “National Family Caregivers Month.”
Acknowledges the contribution of over 53 million family caregivers in the U.S. who provide unpaid care valued at approximately $600 billion annually.
Highlights the vital role of family caregivers in the healthcare system, particularly for individuals with chronic illnesses, disabilities, and aging populations.
Notes the challenges faced by family caregivers, including financial strain, emotional exhaustion, and social isolation, with a disproportionate impact on women of color and grandparents caring for children.
Projects an increase in the number of family caregivers due to an aging population, a shortage of direct care workers, and lack of affordable childcare for children with disabilities.
Calls for recognition and appreciation of family caregivers of all ages and advocates for supportive policies.
Commends family caregivers for their daily contributions to their loved ones and chosen family.
Encourages federal agencies, states, and the private sector to implement steps from the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers.
Advocates for person- and family-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally appropriate policies and strategies to support family caregivers.
Urges investment in supportive policies, including economic tax credits, paid family and medical leave, respite care, home and community-based services, and access to quality healthcare.
Encourages the public to learn more about family caregiving and support caregivers in their communities.