San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act of 2024

Introduced on September 25, 2024 by John Garamendi
Legislation Details
- Modifies the boundaries of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge to include approximately 5,658 acres of various lands and waters.
- The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to make clerical and typographical corrections to the boundary map.
- The map and any corrections must be publicly available on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website and in designated offices.
- The Secretary may acquire land, water, or interests within the modified boundaries through donation, purchase from willing sellers, or exchange, but not through condemnation or eminent domain.
- Acquired lands will be administered as part of the National Wildlife Refuge in accordance with existing laws.
- Allows for cooperative agreements with California state agencies and other entities for the co-management of adjacent lands.
- Federal properties within the modified boundaries can be transferred to the Secretary’s jurisdiction with mutual agreement.
- Prioritizes hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, and environmental education as public uses of the refuge.
- Encourages the Secretary to seek funding for land acquisition from the Land and Water Conservation Fund in annual budget submissions.
- Mandates public participation in developing a land protection plan for the expansion area, with special consideration for local communities.
- Includes definitions for key terms such as “Map,” “National Wildlife Refuge,” and “Secretary.”
- Makes technical amendments to existing legislation for consistency in terminology.
Last updated 12/17/2024