School Safety Notification System Act

Introduced on October 1, 2024 by Jared Moskowitz
Legislation Details
- Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
- Requires local educational agencies to develop emergency response procedures for public elementary and secondary schools.
- Mandates timely parental notification of threats and emergencies occurring on school grounds, during transportation, or at school-sponsored activities.
- Emergency response procedures must be developed in consultation with public safety agencies.
- Procedures must include commonly used alarm system responses for specific emergencies.
- Identifies the primary emergency response agency for each type of threat or emergency.
- Designates individuals within schools responsible for contacting the primary emergency response agency.
- Defines “covered threats and emergencies” to include:
- Weapons possession or use with intended harm.
- Active shooter or hostage situations.
- Bomb threats.
- Murder, homicide, or manslaughter.
- Sex offenses involving students and school personnel.
- Trespassing.
- Fires.
- Natural weather emergencies (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes).
- Natural disasters.
- Exposure to harmful substances due to manmade emergencies.
- Other threats as determined appropriate by local educational agencies.
Last updated 12/17/2024