Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to establish criteria for the use of federal funds to support trauma-informed practices in schools.
Defines “trauma-informed practices” to include:
Evidence-based professional development for school staff to understand the impact of trauma on students.
Adoption of disciplinary procedures that focus on holistic assessments and positive behavioral interventions, avoiding punitive measures.
Engagement of school staff and families in planning to create a culture of acceptance and support for all students.
Requires states to include the prevalence of trauma-informed practices in their plans for educational improvement.
Mandates local educational agencies to support efforts to increase trauma-informed practices.
Ensures that training for educators includes trauma-informed practices.
Allows local use of federal funds for trauma-informed practices.
Encourages state activities to increase the prevalence of trauma-informed practices.
Updates application requirements to include descriptions of discipline practices consistent with trauma-informed approaches.