Ko’ko’ BIRDS Stamp Act
Environmental Protection
Introduced on June 28, 2024 by
James Moylan
Legislation Details
Play by Play
Last updated 12/18/2024
The legislation mandates the issuance of a Ko’ko’ Bird Semipostal Stamp by the United States Postal Service.
The stamp’s issuance and sale will follow the regulations outlined in section 416 of title 39, United States Code.
Proceeds from the sale of the stamp will be allocated to the Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources of the Guam Department of Agriculture.
Funds will support wildlife conservation, native bird rehabilitation, breeding efforts, and brown tree snake eradication.
Payments from the proceeds will be made at least twice a year.
The proceeds from the stamp sales will not affect federal funding decisions for the United States Postal Service.
The stamp will be available to the public for a minimum of four years, starting no later than 12 months after the legislation is enacted.
The term “semipostal stamp” is defined according to section 416(a)(1) of title 39, United States Code.