To require the Secretary of Defense to appropriately consider Taiwan for enhanced defense industrial base cooperation activities.

International Affairs

Introduced on May 2, 2024 by Michelle Steel


Legislation Details

  • The legislation mandates the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State and other relevant federal departments or agencies, to ensure Taiwan is considered for enhanced defense industrial base cooperation activities. These activities should align with the United States National Defense Industrial Strategy to expand global defense production, increase supply chain security and resilience, and meet Taiwan’s defense needs.
  • The consideration for enhanced defense industrial base cooperation includes:
    • Evaluating Taiwan’s eligibility for funding to initiate or facilitate cooperative research, development, testing, or evaluation projects with the Department of Defense.
    • Assessing Taiwan’s eligibility to enter into memorandums of understanding or other formal agreements with the Department of Defense for cooperative research and development projects on defense equipment and munitions, focusing on enhancing Taiwan’s defense industry and supply chain resilience.
  • The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Government of Taiwan, and representatives of the U.S. defense industry, is required to conduct a study on the feasibility and advisability of entering into one or more defense industrial agreements with Taiwan.
  • The feasibility study must:
    • Evaluate the strategic benefits and implications of entering into a defense industrial agreement with Taiwan, including long-term supply chain security and resilience, mutual supply of defense goods and services, supply of regional maintenance, repair, and overhaul capabilities, and promotion of interoperability.
    • Consider the legal, economic, and defense policy aspects of a closer defense procurement partnership between the U.S. and Taiwan.
    • Include a list of not fewer than 5 defense capabilities developed by and produced in Taiwan that require expedited licenses for U.S.-produced components, or developed by the U.S. but for which the U.S. defense industry cannot meet Taiwan’s demand timely, necessitating production in Taiwan.
  • A report on the results of the feasibility study must be submitted to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives no later than 180 days after the enactment of the Act.

Last updated 8/31/2024