Establishes the Veterans Health Administration Policy Advisory Commission to review operations at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).
Commission consists of 17 members appointed by the Comptroller General, including at least 2 veterans.
Members must have expertise in various areas related to health care systems, including quality of care, staffing, information technology, and medical supply chains.
Members are required to file public financial disclosure reports.
Members serve a term of 5 years, with staggered terms for initial appointments.
The Commission must meet at least once a year and has a quorum requirement of a majority of its members.
The Commission is tasked with reviewing VHA operations and preparing reports for Congress, including recommendations.
Specific review topics include information technology infrastructure, access and wait times, quality of care, workforce issues, patient satisfaction, budgetary outlook, procurement, and research programs.
The Commission can consult with congressional committees and conduct additional reviews as needed.
It has the authority to employ staff, enter contracts, and collect data necessary for its functions.
Members are compensated at a per diem rate and may receive travel expenses.
Federal employees can be detailed to the Commission without loss of civil service status.
The Commission must provide access to its records and data to congressional support agencies.
It is authorized to request appropriations separately from the Comptroller General’s budget.