Establishes programs to provide compensation benefits and discharge status upgrades for certain women veterans.
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense are responsible for implementing these programs.
A discharge status upgrade program will be created for eligible veterans who were involuntarily separated under Executive Order 10240.
Eligible veterans must submit an application to participate in the discharge status upgrade program.
Veterans receiving a discharge status upgrade will be treated as if they completed their assigned duty for benefits purposes.
A one-time compensation benefit of $25,000 will be provided to eligible veterans.
Surviving spouses of eligible veterans who die after the enactment of the Act will also be eligible for the compensation benefit.
Applications for the compensation benefit must be submitted to the Secretary of Defense.
There is an irrebuttable presumption of eligibility for veterans involuntarily separated under Executive Order 10240.
Rebuttable presumptions of eligibility apply to veterans who gave birth, obtained custody, adopted a child, or experienced an incomplete pregnancy within 10 months of separation.
Defines “active military, naval, air, or space service” and specifies that “covered veteran” refers to women who served between April 27, 1951, and February 23, 1976.